BHS Mukundapur

Best CBSE School in Kolkata

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for a Good CBSE School for Your Child — January 17, 2023

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for a Good CBSE School for Your Child

As a parent, choosing the best CBSE school for your child can be daunting. With so many different options out there, it can be hard to know where to start. 

best school in kolkata

Here are four common mistakes to avoid when looking for a good CBSE school for your child.

Mistake 1: Not Researching the Feasibility of Each School 

Make sure you are familiar with the local area and find out if any special needs facilities are available nearby. Additionally, you want to consider the transportation options from both your house and your child’s potential future office or university.

Mistake 2: Failing to Consider Your Child’s Needs 

It would help if you honestly talked with your child about what they need to thrive in school. Whether this means getting extra support in a specific subject or finding a school that provides afternoon activities, talking openly with your child can help guide you in the right direction.

Mistake 3: Not Looking into What Past Students Say About Each School 

Taking the time to look into reviews and testimonials from former students can give you valuable insight into life at any particular school. This information can help inform your decision-making process and improve the chances of selecting a high-quality educational option for your child.

Mistake 4: Choosing too Late or Too Early 

Most parents fail when it comes to timing their search for schooling solutions. It would help if you began researching schools early on to have enough time for visits and interviews with staff members before making any final decisions. 

However, waiting too long may also be detrimental as some schools fill up quickly due to high demand levels within certain areas or age groups – so it pays off to move fast!

Final Word

Choosing the right CBSE school is an important decision that should not be taken lightly, especially since it will likely influence the success of your children’s academic career in the future! 

By avoiding these common mistakes and doing thorough research on each option before committing, you’re far more likely to guarantee success in this all-important venture. 
And if you are looking for CBSE school in Kolkata admission, BHS can be a good option.

5 Reasons Why Learning a New Language Is Good For Your Child — December 12, 2022

5 Reasons Why Learning a New Language Is Good For Your Child

Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. It opens up a whole new world of opportunities for your child and helps them develop important skills that will benefit them throughout their life. There are many reasons why learning a new language is good for your child. Here are five of our favorites.

school in Kolkata

It helps Them Develop Their Communication Skills

Learning a new language helps children develop their communication skills. It allows them to practice speaking in front of others, which can be quite nerve-wracking for young children. They will also be able to express themselves more clearly, which will help them when trying to get their point across at school or with friends.

Any English medium school in Kolkata will offer different languages as additional subjects. You can let your kid choose which one they want to learn.

Allows Them to Learn Their Native Language

It allows them to express themselves more fully in their native language. It will help them become better writers, speakers and listeners. The more fluent your child is in their native language, the better they will express themselves. If a child learns another language at an early age, it can help them become more confident when speaking to other people.

Children Learn About Other Cultures

It allows them to learn about other cultures and communities and connect with people from all over the world. It makes them more sensitive and considerate towards people with different backgrounds. It also helps them in the future.

Improves Their Cognitive Skills

Learning a new language teaches them how to think differently than they normally would in their language. It helps them become more creative and innovative thinkers as they get older. It makes them better at problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which are very important for success. Your child will also have a new perspective. They will learn the manners and etiquette of a different culture.

You can do some research online if you are looking for a school in Kolkata that offers language training.

Helps to Improve Their Memory

It also improves memory skills because children have to memorize new words and phrases. They will also practice speaking with others who don’t speak their native language. It is a great practice for later on when they go to college. It is especially helpful when your kid has to prepare for examinations. It rewards them well.


Learning a new language benefits your kid and yourself. They learn everything from the same syllabus but very little about other cultures. When they learn a new language, they learn a lot about the history of the language and its proper use.

8 Mistakes to Avoid Before Enrolling Your Kid in a Good CBSE School — October 24, 2022

8 Mistakes to Avoid Before Enrolling Your Kid in a Good CBSE School

Parents want nothing but the best for their children, and their education is no different. However, there are many factors to consider when choosing a school for your child, and it can be easy to make a mistake. This blog post will discuss eight mistakes to avoid before enrolling your child in a good CBSE school.

best cbse schools in kolkata

Not Checking the Age Requirements

One of the first things you should do when looking for the best CBSE school in Kolkata is to check the age requirements. Most schools have an age limit of 3 or 4 years for Kindergarten and 6 or 7 years for first grade. If your child does not meet the age requirements, they will not be able to enroll.

Forgetting to Check the Location

It is important to choose a school that is close to your home or workplace. This will make it easier for you to drop off and pick up your child and save you time and money on transportation costs.

Not Considering the Cost

The cost of tuition, books and other fees can add up quickly. Be sure to consider the cost of attendance before enrolling your child in a school. You may also want to look into financial aid or scholarships that may be available.

Enrolling Your Child in Multiple Schools

It is important to choose one school and stick with it. Transferring your child from one school to another can be disruptive to their education and social life. If you are unsure about which school to choose, take some time to visit each one and see which one is the best fit for your child.

Failing to Request Information from the School

Be sure to request information from the school, such as their curriculum, student-teacher ratio, class size, etc. This will help you determine if the school is a good fit for your child’s needs.

Not Checking the School’s Accreditation

It is important to ensure that the school you are considering is accredited. This means that the school has been vetted by a third-party organization and meets certain standards.

Not Meeting with the Teacher

Before enrolling your child in a school, schedule a meeting with their potential teacher. This will give you a chance to ask questions and get to know the person who will be teaching your child.

Not Touring the School

Finally, be sure to tour the school before enrolling your child. This will allow you to see the classrooms, meet the staff and get a feel for the overall environment.

Final Word

Choosing the best CBSE School for your child is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Avoid these eight mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to finding the perfect CBSE school for your kid!

Help Your Kid Make Friends at Their New School with These 4 Tips — September 21, 2022

Help Your Kid Make Friends at Their New School with These 4 Tips

If you’re a parent who has just moved their child to a new school in Kolkata, you know how hard it can be for them to make friends. Your kid may feel insecure about leaving behind their old friends and starting over in a new place.

school in Kolkata

Moving to an unfamiliar school can also be intimidating for kids with social anxiety or shyness issues. It’s not easy for them to break out of their shell when they don’t have any support system yet.

If you’re worried about how your child will fare at their new school, here are four ways you can help them make friends:

Help Your Child Work on Their Social Skills

It might seem obvious, but the best way to help your child make friends at their new school is to help them learn some basic social skills.

If your child is shy, it’s important to teach them how to speak up in class and ask questions. If they don’t know how to make small talk, you can help them come up with small talk questions that are appropriate for various situations. 

For example, if your child is going to a birthday party this weekend, have them practice asking the other kids about their favourite sports teams or what they want for their birthday.

Get to Know Parents in the New School

Make a point to get to know the parents of your child’s new classmates after you’ve enrolled your kid in a best CBSE school in Kolkata. You don’t need to be friends or even friendly with them, but it will help your child if you can at least acknowledge each other.

Ask about their children’s interests and hobbies, who their friends are, and what they like about school. Just make sure not to pry too far into things that are none of your business (like whether they have divorced parents). This is not just good manners; it also allows you to learn more about the school community, so your child feels comfortable there.

Host a Sleepover

Sleepovers are a great way to make new friends because they allow kids to get to know each other more deeply. Your child can see how their friend acts around their family and vice versa. They can also help them with homework and talk about what’s happening in school (and other subjects). 

It’s also a good idea for you or your partner if you’re both home so that if questions come up, you’re there too. This can also help break the ice between your kid and their new friend by seeing how they interact when they’re comfortable.

Common Interests

It is important to encourage your child to seek out other children and classmates with common interests. While it is good for everyone to have friends, it is even better when those friends share similar tastes and interests. 

Your child will be more likely to make lasting friendships if they can find someone who shares their hobbies, likes, dislikes, and more.

Final Word

We hope these tips have given you a great starting point for getting to know other parents and kids at your child’s new school. We know that making friends is an important part of growing up, and we want to ensure that your child has the best possible experience!

5 Tips to Help Your Kid Understand Concepts of Maths — August 29, 2022

5 Tips to Help Your Kid Understand Concepts of Maths

As a parent, you want to help your child succeed in life. This can mean helping them understand math basics to have a strong foundation for future learning. But how do you do it? Here are some tips for ensuring your kid understands mathematics concepts.


Set up a Purposeful and Comfortable Environment

You want to ensure your child is comfortable and has the space to think. The environment should be quiet, free of distractions and not too hot or cold.

When teaching math concepts, your child must understand what they are learning to apply it in real-life situations. The first step in helping them do this involves setting up a purposeful and comfortable environment where they can focus on the learning process at hand.

Make Use of Visuals and Games

Visuals and games can be a great way to help your child learn math concepts. While teachers typically use visuals, you can also use them. You can make up visual representations of problems your child is working on at home or in school and have them take turns solving the problem using a visual representation. 

Here are some ideas for creating visuals:

  • Draw pictures or diagrams of how the problem works
  • Make up funny cartoons to explain the concept
  • Use basic shapes like squares and rectangles to represent numbers (e.g., if there’s a problem with addiction involving two numbers, use two squares)
  • Use food items such as apples and oranges or other small objects like blocks or coins.

Make Maths Personal

Use examples from their own lives and show them how they can apply these concepts in the real world. If you’re trying to teach them about money, explain how much they have in their pockets and how much it costs when they buy something at the store. Using a real-life situation makes it easier for children to grasp the concept because they have an example right there in front of them instead of just hearing about it from someone else.

Use Manipulatives

Manipulatives are objects like blocks, beads, coins and even paper that teach kids how to count and add numbers through visual representations. For example, suppose your child has trouble understanding how to multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using the standard multiplication algorithm (which involves carrying). 

In that case, you could put all the counters on one side of an empty table and ask them to make piles of equal size from those counters. Then have them use their fingers as reference points for moving around these piles until they get the right answer.

Serve as a Good Role Model

You can do this by discussing your experiences with mathematics and being patient when explaining things. Try to make learning fun and be enthusiastic when working through problems together. If you show your child how fun math can be, they will likely want to learn more. 


Your child can feel more confident and comfortable with math with the right strategies. By setting up a purposeful and comfortable environment, using visuals and games, making maths personal and using manipulatives, you can help your child understand maths concepts. Finally, serve as a good role model!

Bhs high school can be a great option for your kid as it offers various amenities like co-ed environment, wifi zones and school bus services.

Dance Classes at BHS High School — May 10, 2021

Dance Classes at BHS High School

“Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”

  • Rabindranath Tagore

Dance, as we know, is one of those forms of art that allows one to express them to the fullest. However, the scope of dance is just not limited to this. Dance has much more to offer to those who are pursuing it. For this reason, BHS high school offers dance classes to its students.

BHS high school

Every week, dance classes are organized for the students. The teachers encourage the little ones to join the sessions. The children also in return show enthusiasm in being part of the sessions. Moving forward, we will talk about some of the noteworthy benefits that students of BHS Mukundapur enjoy when they attend the dance classes regularly.

Improves Body Fitness

Dancing is one of the most effective ways of staying fit. The teachers at BHS high school know it and encourage the students to take up their dance classes seriously. When the students try out certain dance moves, first they need to ensure that they have reached a particular level of body fitness. If not, first they need to do the necessary workout, reach the basic fitness criteria and then try out that particular dance step.

Now, this does the students a world of good. The workouts leading to the dance steps help them to lose extra body weight. It also helps them to have better control over their body and a much-improved body balance. It is also seen that those students who join dance classes have high stamina and energy. Last but not least in this context, the dance trainers ensure that no child gets accidentally hurt while trying out any dance moves.

Improves Mental Health

It is also seen that students who take dance classes seriously are less likely to suffer from anxiety and mental depression. Dance allows the children to express themselves. It teaches them to be happy and exhibit a positive attitude towards life. This helps them to fight from all negativities around them.

As mastering a certain form of dance requires a high level of concentration, it helps the students to improve on their focusing ability. As they improve in this, it also reflects in their studies. Students who take dance lessons seriously are most likely to find it easy to concentrate in class or back home when they are studying and preparing for their exams.

Noteworthy Facts About the School Bus Services Provided by BHS Mukundapur — April 20, 2021

Noteworthy Facts About the School Bus Services Provided by BHS Mukundapur

BHS Mukundapur is not the only school in town who have their own school bus services. However, the transportation facility offered by this school stands out from the rest in certain areas and here in this blog, we are going to discuss those factors. Give a read if you are willing to see your child a part of this school in the reputed school and want him/her to avail of the commute service offered by the school.

school bus services

BHS high school uses buses offered to them by a reputed bus agency. These buses are maintained and serviced periodically to ensure that they provide the best performance when they hit the road. The school appoints dedicated, experienced and responsible drivers and attendants who would ensure a smooth travel experience for the students.

Now all these might look common among the school bus services provided by other schools in the city. But what’s unique to this school is that the school buses BHS Mukundapur provides to its students come along with CCTV surveillance cameras.

The footage captured by these cameras is used for security purposes. Parents and teachers can access them and check out the status of the children during their journey. The videos can also be checked out on a future date if required.

The installation of the cameras to record live footage of the student’s commute is an initiative by the school to ensure parents that their children are under the strict supervision of the school authority even when the little ones are outside the school campus.

Apart from the cameras, the Birla High School Mukundapur authority also has GPS trackers installed in each of the buses they provide for student commutes. The trackers help parents to find out the live location of their children and also the live route the bus is taking. The live tracking can be easily done by downloading a mobile app on the user’s handset.

The scope of the transport facility of BHS Mukunddapur does not end here. The school also sends out SMS alerts to the registered number of parents in the morning when the children get down from the bus and enter the school campus. The process is again repeated after school when the children board the bus to return home.

To know more about the bus services facility provided by BHS Mukundapur, do check out the school’s website. You will find all the required information under the transport section.

Why Does the Best CBSE School in Kolkata Offer Music Classes? — March 15, 2021

Why Does the Best CBSE School in Kolkata Offer Music Classes?

“Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.”

  • Jimi Hendrix

In context to what one of the greatest souls who picked up the guitar once said, we will all perhaps agree that music is the ultimate instrument that can pull us from any situation. Perhaps this is the prime reason for which the management of Birla High School Mukundapur – the best CBSE school in Kolkata started having music classes. This blog will speak about some noteworthy benefits that students enjoy attending these sessions on a regular basis.

Helps in improving memorizing power

BHS Mukundapur –  the best CBSE school encourages its students to join music classes because they believe it will help them to improve their memorization skills. This is because, during the music classes, students need to memorize scales, chords and even lyrics to put up an appreciable performance. This automatically enhances their memorizing power which helps them in their studies.

CBSE school in Kolkata

Stepping stone to a prospective career

One can never judge the potential of an individual. It might be so that a student on receiving proper musical training turns out to be a musical sensation of the country in the future. In that case, he/she will have the freedom to choose music as a career. But for that, he/she will have to be groomed properly from a tender age so that his/her talent surfaces.

BHS Mukundapur offers vocational training on both eastern and western classical music. Students have a great opportunity to pick up the lessons and showcase their musical talents so that they can take a step forward towards a bright career in music.

Helps to fight mental stress and anxiety

It is seen that children who devote time to learn music are less likely to suffer from mental stress and anxiety issues. They always have a lively and cheerful approach towards life that helps them to shed away possible negativity. This is another important reason for which Birla High School Mukundapur – the best CBSE school in Kolkata has music classes as a core part of their extracurricular activities.

There are more such benefits that students enjoy once they start attending these sessions actively and on a regular basis. Music teachers take note of the performance and progress of the students and communicate the same with parents periodically.

How Did BHS Mukundapur Become the Best CBSE School in Kolkata? — March 1, 2021

How Did BHS Mukundapur Become the Best CBSE School in Kolkata?

It’s been a few years since Birla High School Mukundapur has come up. However, even in this short span of time the school has proved itself to be the best CBSE school in the city. This blog will take you through some of the noteworthy factors that made this institution reach the pinnacle of popularity among parents. Keep reading to know more.

best CBSE school

BHS Mukundapur is known as the best CBSE school in the city because it offers an amazing education system for its students. The school authority pushes the teachers to ensure to provide the children with value-added learning that they will carry throughout their life. Special emphasis is given to those students who find it difficult to understand particular lessons/modules. 

The teachers help the students to successfully cover their term syllabus much before the forthcoming examination. It is also ensured that they get ample time to revise and be uber ready to appear for the exam and come out with flying colours. As the school is affiliated with the CBSE board, it follows all rules and guidelines laid down by the same. It even reflects when the school management prepares the syllabus and the examination format.

One noteworthy fact about the academic model of Birla HighSchool Mukundapur is that it has a futuristic vision as far as the education of its students is concerned. Apart from preparing the students for class tests and terminal exams, the teachers also ensure that the students prepare them for appearing for national level examinations in the future which they are expected to appear in and crack it at one shot.

Moving forward, as we talk about the amenities provided by the school to ensure that the students have a great learning experience, the first noteworthy aspect that needs to be highlighted is the usage of the smart boards.

Smartboards help teachers to record anything they write or sketch on them. The display is bright and makes it more visible to the students who are not seated on the first few roads. Teachers can send recordings to the parents of the students who are absent from school on a particular day. By this, the school ensures that no student misses out on what has been taught in class on any given day.

Last but not the least, these boards also support internet connectivity. Teachers can draw any reference from the internet if they need to during the course of the class.

Is BHS High School Open? — February 15, 2021

Is BHS High School Open?

We all know that the pandemic situation is still at large in our country. Though establishments are slowly opening up and trying to get back to its old flow, the threat of getting affected by the virus is still there. This situation has compelled the management of BHS High School to continue all in-person operations of the school at pause. This means the school premises are closed for official work as well as the classes.

BHS High School is considered to be the best CBSE school in Kolkata because it not only offers the children a world-class education system but also the school management ensures that the students are safe and secure especially during this challenging time. For this reason, the moment the country went into lockdown last year, the school decided to move the classes online from in-person. This change was the best call the school management could have taken back at that time to ensure that the education of the students was not hampered.

best CBSE school in Kolkata

Now if one asks when the school would reopen, it would be better to say that the answer lies with the state government. The government body has been looking into this quite seriously. Just like the school management, it will not rush into taking a call where the school would be open for the commencement of in-person classes.

As of yet, just like any other school in the city, Birla High School Mukundapur is yet to get any official notice from the government that when they would reopen. As far as the current situation is concerned, the state government will observe some time more and check on the daily count of affected peoples in the state and then will come to a decision on this.

However, though all in-person activities are on hold as of now, BHS Mukundpaur is not sitting back. It has drifted almost all of their operation to online/virtual and that includes the admission process also.

For this upcoming academic year, the school management will conduct the admission process online. Parents of the applicants will need to fill out the online application form from the school’s website and submit it there itself along with the soft copies of the required documents.

Moving forward, the school management will scrutinize all the applications that they receive and shortlist the most deserving candidates. Parents of those candidates will be notified the same via email. The email will also contain all the details regarding the online interview of the candidate.

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